Friday, July 18, 2008

PS3 Media Server

Day 2 with the PS3 was all about setting up a media server. It started with a test on my desktop before going to the planned production location: the NSLU2 NAS. But no luck tonight. Ends up my router is pre-universal plug-n-play. Had to update the firmware. Then things acted a lot better -- just not just from the laptop. I should have rebooted the wireless router but time for sleep.

Bad luck of the night besides spending two hours to discover the router firmware issue = changing the router admin password to something I no longer know. Very likely I'll have to reset to defaults and reconfigure. Writing stuff like that down is extremely useful.

This weekend, turning my SLUG into something it wasn't meant to be. unslung me baby! Very likely, fuppes is the media server of choice. SimpleServer was a great test bed because it was simple to configure under windows.

Day 1 was all about PAIN. And most of Day 2 too. I'm downloading lots of other demos which will be Day 3-N.

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